Binat Bibi’s Mosque is situated in Narinda, and can be approached either from Sutrapur Police Station, or from Baldha Museum in Wari. It lies to the north of the Narinda Bridge [known as Hayat Bepari’s Bridge].
According to the inscription hung over the central doorway, it was built by Bakht Binat, daughter of Marhamat in [A.H. 861] A.D. 1457.
This is the earliest existing mosque in Dhaka, but later repairs have altered many of its pre-Mughal features. Originally, it was an unplastered single-domed building, with octagonal corner minars, curved battlements, and cornice, and simple arched openings on three sides. The mihrab had a projection at the back of the west wall. The dome is still semi-circular, and rests directly on the root with only a ring of extra plaster applied at (lie base in order to make it water-tight. But now the walls are plastered, the earlier parapet straightened, another domed room is added to its south, and a new verandah given on the east and south. Even then the north and west facades, and the first dome give an idea of its antique character.
There is now a proposal to demolish the old dome and erect another storey over it. This scheme is meant to accommodate larger number of people in the mosque than is now possible. In spite of my persuasion the people in the locality are adamant in their resolve, and probably by the time this book is out in print, the oldest existing monument in Dhaka will have lost its character and shape. The antiquity has again lost its battle in Dhaka.