Khan Muhammad Mridha’s Mosque
Khan Muhammad Mridha’s Mosque Dhaka
Khan Muhammad Mridha’s Mosque is situated in mahalla Atish-Khana, and can be approached by the road going westward from Lal Bagh. This mosque illustrates the elaborate style of the post-Shaista Khani period. An inscription over the central doorway informs that it was built in 1116 A.H. (A.D. 1704) by Khan Muhammad Mirdha under the order of Qazi Ibadullah.3’ It is standing on a platform, 161/2’ high, underneath which are vaulted rooms. The mosque proper is smaller, being only 48’ long by 24’ wide, with corner minars elaborately heightened above the parapet and terminating in a ribbed cupola. On the east are three entrances, each under a half- dome with bordering minarets. The wall is profusely panelled. There are further pilaster minarets bordering the doorways on the north and south and the projections of the three mihrabs on back of the west wall. Above the battlemented cresting rise three domes – central one bigger than other — each resting on ornamented octagonal drum. The interior has three bays with three decorated mihrabs on the west.
Khan Muhammad Mridha’s Mosque Dhaka
Khan Muhammad Mridha’s Mosque Dhaka
On the same platform, to the north—east of the mosque, stands a building, which answers for a small madrassa, generally meant for Qur’an instruction. It consists of a vaulted hail flanked by two square rooms. The main hall of Khan Muhammad Mridha’s Mosque can be entered through three cusped arched openings, above which is a projected chhajja. This building follows the qua plan of the Muslim madrassa, which was so extensively used in Egypt during the Ayyubid and Mamluke periods (11th to 15th centuries A. D.).
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